Emmet Abbreviation & Boilerplate.

Emmet Abbreviation & Boilerplate.

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In this blog, I will write about Emmet and Boilerplate. These two features are present in almost every IDE. You can write your HTML very swiftly with the help of emmet. In vs(aka visual studio) code, Emmet is the best developer feature. By using emmet developers can save time and keystrokes.

Why do we use Emmet?

Writing code with an emmet will substantially increase your productivity to a certain extent so you don't have to write your code again & again.

Emmet also improves the workflow of many popular text editors like Html, and CSS.

So, How we can write emmet in the visual studio is simply write ! and just click enter, then pop up will suggest the emmet abbreviation. After popping up, you will see a boilerplate.

Emmet is not something new. The term emmet derives from the Cornish language word for ant. This word is derived from the old English æmete from which the modern, English word is also derived (compare Modern German Ameise [ant]). Emmet is enabled by default in HTML, CSS, SAAS, XML, XSL, etc. . Some of you may know about "Zen coding" and for some time ( since 2012)it's known as emmet.

What is a Boilerplate?

In Information Technology, a boilerplate is a unit of writing that can be reused again and again, without any changes. While programming, some code needs to be written repetitively. for example, Loops (while loop, do-while loop) functions and classes. most Programmers use boilerplate because they get tedious with writing the code that's why they use boilerplate to save time. Some Developers make their own boilerplate and share them online for others to use.

Why is it called Boilerplate?

"Boiler Plate" This word originally comes from the rolled steel used to make boilers heat water.

HTML5 Boilerplate template
